Wow, this has been a crazy month! It's been forever it seems since I've updated, but it's no longer than usual, it's just been a very full month it seems. Drew seems to grow and change by leaps and bounds sometimes and this month is no different.
He has mastered the skill of putting anything and everything in his mouth (including finding his thumb) - so much so that he often gags himself - hasn't learned to restrain that yet! He is reaching like crazy for things he wants, including Mommy & Daddy. Yup, that's right, we found that he certainly knows who we are and knows when he only wants to be with us. Sorry to all of those that have tried to play with Drew and instead, all he's wanted is Mommy. There is some comfort and frustration with the situation - he's crying like mad and nothing can stop it, until, low and behold, there's Mommy..."I'll keep crying and reach for her and see if it helps...yes, here she comes, now she's got me, and done crying! It worked!" Regardless, he's such a treasure.
He laughs all the time now - still mostly when he's surprised. He's started to talk much more these days - lots of different sounds, multiple syllables, and very loud at times. He does enjoy the TV, and has started to notice remotes and other shiny objects - so it's obviously just a part of being boy! He also has started to love splashing with his legs in the tub, getting Mommy quite wet sometimes. He does love looking in the mirror as well, especially when he catches a glimpse of himself - I guess he can finally see how adorable he is and just can't help but smile as big as ever! And he loves exploring our faces with his hands, and mouth, if he gets close enough. We did start him on cereal the last week of December and he did quite well if we do say so ourselves.
We did have some challenges this month too: the first and foremost was Drew got the stomach bug/flu which was quite stressful for a day or two, having to limit his intake and such. To add to it, I got it a few hours later, and Matthew got it a day later - not fun! To add to the fun, we ended up sharing it with my parents and brother when they came for Christmas even with disinfecting the house three times - the season of giving for sure! Drew had been sleeping through the night for 12 hours - woohoo! but that came to an end with the stomach bug, then got worse at Christmas for who knows what reason, and we are starting to return to it, but slower than we were hoping. So, it goes, always new challenges around the corner I suppose.
As for stats, here's what we got when we measured him here at home this month: Weight: 16 lb. (50%), Length: 27 in. (90%), Head Circumference: 42.5 cm. (37%).