Monday, August 1, 2011

A True Two Year Old!

2 years old

1 year old

1 week old

Hard to believe it's been 2 years already, our Drew is such a delight in our lives!

The boy continues to grow & learn at such an amazing rate! He picks up so much so quickly, it is so fun to see him learn and change and challenge himself with new and harder tasks.

Here we are, honoring the 4th of July!

We have more and more spontaneous singing coming from his direction these days, especially Happy Birthday - he knew his day was coming! There are also lots of kids in his class that celebrate their birthdays this month, so I think he's hearing it lots! He is also requesting us to sing songs we've never even heard of before - there's apparently a Dinosaur song and an Alligator song that we don't know, but he seems equally pleased with whatever lyrics and music we make up! He is also more and more vocal, telling us stories, reading us his books, and talking amongst himself and his toys quite frequently. He gets a kick out of telling us "WAIT!" while holding up his hand to us - something he learned from Daddy!

He is also showing more and more "Boy" aspects to his playtime - spitting with his tongue between his lips, blowing bubbles in his bath water, spinning around and around to make himself dizzy, and laughing silly by breathing in, making it a deeper laugh than his 'God given' laugh! He can be quite the ham! He has also learned to walk on his heels or on his toes - he came up with that all on his own, but we were impressed!

He loves to play with balls - he tries to do tricks with the soccer ball just like Daddy, and has started to try and bounce the basketball. He loves to play a game he 'created' where he throws the ball and we are all supposed to chase after it to get to it first - he gets the biggest kick out of this! He continues to love to play chase and hide and seek - starting to count before he seeks, but usually comes out if he's hiding, so still some learning to do there! :)

We have had oh so much fun this past month, and past 2 years, it's hard to believe there was life before Drew really (that or we are so tired we just can't remember!) He loves to play with cars and trains, be outside as much as possible, and just flat out run & be active! He is such a sweet little boy (most of the time), we just love that God has blessed us so much through Drew in the last 2 years!

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