Thursday, January 30, 2014

Adding one more, one last time!

Yes, we are expecting again! This will complete the family, as much control we have over it...any more will be a total surprise and 'joke's on you' from God!

We found out on New Year's Eve, the day we were packing to leave for Iowa. It was still a bit surprising and so we were processing it in the midst of packing, traveling, being with the Thompson family at a beautiful, and blistering cold, wedding weekend! It was still so early, we were still cautious whether or not it was real, whether or not it would last (the miscarriages still leave their mark), and just still not sure what to think, so we kept it to ourselves for a bit. To be completely open and honest, we were open to it for quite some time, but the window was quickly closing for us, to the point I think in our heads, we thought we were done, and starting to plan things out as a family of 4...but God had other plans!

Once I was able to get an OB appointment, we felt comfortable telling the boys...and they were SO excited! A truly sweet moment! Drew was thrilled and immediately said he hoped it would be a sister. Noah just went along with whatever Drew was doing and was super happy too! Drew immediately wanted to talk to Mommy's belly and pat it, which then of course Noah had to do as well! So sweet!

That weekend, we let the boys tell the grandparents...Glienke's over Skype and they of course were very excited to hear Drew tell them he was going to have a baby brother or sister! We went over to the Palmers, to find Papa out picking up dinner, so we warned Drew not to say anything, so of course Noah immediately tells Grandma "Have a baby?!" which confused her, but to look over at Drew beaming, there was no hiding it, so we told her and then told Papa when he got home a few minutes later! Everyone of course is very happy!

We sent out an email with this picture to tell family and then after another OB appointment, posted on FB the same pic with the sonogram picture.

Drew has had a blast telling people. He got it confused a few times, saying "I'm going to have a baby or a sister", but after a few sweet little mishaps, he got it down. He was so excited to tell his teachers at school, and all his friends. But it was also fun to have "our family secret" for a little while too!

Noah only kind of gets it...old enough to grasp part of the concept, but certainly not entirely. On the way home from telling the Palmers, Noah asked in the car "Mommy, we going home?", to which I replied yes. He then says, "No! I miss the baby", Me: "Noah, the baby is still in Mommy's belly." Noah: "No! Baby NOT in Mommy's belly!" So funny! I think he's starting to get it as Drew talks more and more about when different events will happen in relation to the baby coming, and the constant reminder to not jump all over Mommy to keep the baby safe. A larger belly will certainly help too, all in time!

One more sweet story about Drew...after the 2nd OB appointment, I picked the boys up from school and apologized for being gone so long. (Was there for about 2 1/2 hours vs ~1 hour I had planned on b/c OB running behind). Drew asked if I got a prize from the doctor for him. Well, no, I didn't, but I DID get a picture of the baby! Drew: "WHAT?! That is the BEST prize EVER! We are going to have to celebrate...we have to put up decorations and celebrate for the baby coming!" Absolutely precious! The boys loved seeing the picture and thought it was quite amusing how small the baby was...

So, the due date is September 6. Both boys went up right to the end, or past, so I imagine we'll be doing the same again, but I guess you never really know. All the family was super excited to hear, but a favorite response was from Kevin...who was genuinely excited for us, and then quick to point out "You get pregnant on basically the same day every time!" Well, not quite that close this time, but yes, it appears there's a month window for us...we'll have 4 of our 5 family birthdays within 6 weeks...I guess we like to celebrate in the summer! Oh, and I'm pretty sure at least 90% of people are hoping we get a red-headed girl this time...time will tell! :)

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