Sunday, November 2, 2014

A Wonderful Weekend

We had such a fun weekend at the end of October/first of November. Kate's baptism was scheduled for Sunday November 2 and so we had planned for Grandpa, Nana and Uncle Kevin to come visit so the Glienkes and Palmers would all be in attendance. Well, at some point we realized that meant the Glienkes would be arriving on Halloween evening. Despite refusing to allow us to celebrate the fun while growing up as children, Grandpa and Nana were super excited to be able to join in the Trick or Treating fun with the boys - how things change as grandparents I guess!

We had lots of fun going around the neighborhood with our rather large crew of adults for 2 children + 1 in a sling and joined up with some neighbor friends as well. The winner house by far was the one with a S'mores bar set up in their driveway...we didn't hesitate to partake!

At some point the boys decided they didn't want to walk anymore, and thankfully there were two suckers along, AKA Grandpa and Uncle Kevin! The boys had a great time, and Noah really enjoyed checking out everyone's decorations and we only intruded on one person's house, crossing the door threshold! Pretty good we think, though before we left we reminded the boys of that rule and Drew finished it off with "The 10th commandment is no going into other people's homes!" Well, not quite, but we won't argue with you!

Kate did pretty well once she was snuggled up with Momma in her sling...she really didn't want anything to do with anyone else unfortunately, but that wasn't too surprising for the time of day/night.

And it didn't take long once home for Noah to undress and sort through his loot! Nana asked for a piece of candy and Noah offered a Starburst. Well, Nana only eats chocolate, so asked for M&Ms, and Noah refused! He wouldn't give any of his chocolate candy away! HA! Smart kid!

The next day was a day of fun and some prep for our big family lunch on Sunday. A special treat was Great Grandpa and Grandma Glienke and Aunt Gloria came to visit from Miami! So wonderful that they made the time to be with us for Kate's special day!

The boys had a blast, playing with Grandpa, Uncle Kevin and Andrea most of the day...Grandpa even brought a special toy - marble roller was a hit! But there's always time for wrestling when Kevin is around too, so that was not to be missed!

So sweet that these loved family members came so far to meet our sweet baby Kate! Great Grandpa just loved getting her to smile!

Kate did great on Sunday...she slept 11 hours the night if she knew it was going to be a big and busy day!

She did great during the baptism, just staring and grinning at Pastor Danner and right at the end gave a huge smile, making him even remark at how happy she was! The boys enjoyed being on the stage with us all as well, and did pretty good, though hammed it up a little, but that wasn't too big of a surprise!

We were so blessed, and felt so much love from so many coming to be a part of our day! The whole family showed up! Love each and every one of them!

We are loving that our family has grown 5 and God continues to bless us with health and happiness!

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