Friday, April 1, 2011

20 Months

No April fools, another month has passed and we are creeping closer and closer to being 2 years old!

Well, the singing continues in our house - and what a treat it is! Drew is loving to sing more and more these days. We often will hear him singing what can only be a song only he knows, and other times, ones that seem somewhat familiar. He has started to sing along to the ABCs, which we are very excited about - one because he's smart, and two, because it distracts him quite a bit in the car or during diaper changes, which can be a challenge at times! Some new words that have entered Drew's vocabulary this month have been a little surprising - dragon, thanks to Daddy; butt, I can only assume from a friend at school, and "cocu", for chocolate, and that one is from me!

The open-mouthed kisses have been put to an end - Daddy taught Drew to keep his lips closed during kisses. While I realize this is much more appropriate, I am sad that it is over - it was just the cutest thing. But now, there is lots of lip puckering, which is also very cute. And, people don't draw back when Drew offers up a kiss anymore, so I know it's for the best! :)

We have discovered the greatness of ketchup - and all other condiments to dip food into. There are meals now where Drew will ask for dip, even if there's not anything that would make sense for dipping. But, it has helped numerous times to get Drew to continue to eat more, which is nice. While he continues to be an overall good eater, there are more challenging meals at times, so a dip can get us further than we ever realized! Some of his plates have a little dip section, and every now & then we'll catch Drew dipping food into it, even though it's empty, just in case there's a treat there! :)

With becoming more and more active, we are doing all sorts of running and jumping games, which has introduced "Ready, Set, Go!" which Drew enjoys to say along, but always skips the "set". In the same regard, in counting to 3, he almost always skips '2', so we'll have to work on that part!

It turns out we have a bit of a quirky little boy on our hands with a few things. With warmer weather upon us, shorts and sandals have made their way into the wardrobe. With nothing being an issue last year, I thought nothing of this until Drew made it VERY apparent - he did NOT want to wear sandals, or shorts with drawstrings! How random! It has taken me all month to get him to accept these pieces of clothing. But the first time I tried to put these on him, you can imagine my surprise when I got one foot through the shorts & then all of a sudden, a fit was being thrown, or getting one shoe on, and then thrashing of the feet took me for quite a spin! Where this came from, we may never know. But thankfully, we have overcome! I just could not imagine going through the summer without wearing sandals - the horror! (For those of you that don't know, I will wear flip flops almost year round.) He also seems to have some texture defensiveness - avoiding Cool Whip, icing, shaving cream whenever introduced here at home or daycare - hmm, we'll have to work on that!

If you didn't see below, take a look - our boy is officially a tricyle rider! And he has become quite proficient at it! We are super excited about this - and have Grandma & Papa to thank for introducing it, and spending hours and hours on it with him! We are certainly not concerned about Drew's physical development at this point! He has started to climb much more - learning how to climb up onto our chairs and couches independently. He has taken several scary risks with his climber/slide - climbing up & flipping over the top! Not something I'm excited about or proud of, but I don't think we'll be worrying about him developing - maybe more so of him staying in one piece - it seems he has very little fear of that sort of thing!

Daddy has been busy, teaching Drew lots of fun new games this month. Some favorites are hide and seek chase - where Drew will even take turns hiding. This is a favorite game after dinner - keeping them both busy while Mommy cleans up the kitchen. Daddy also taught Drew to crouch down, stick out his tongue, making a funny noise, and hopping like a frog - Drew doesn't always get every step in there - but it's pretty cute regardless.

We had a fun month of visitors and playdates. Several days with cousin Luke - a favorite, obvious from the immediate huge smiles on both of their faces when they see eachother, frequent hugs, and tons of laughter. Uncle Kevin was in town for a week, so we got to see him a few times. And we had some special weekend visitors from Florida by way of Houston - Great Grandma & Grandpa Glienke came with Grandpa & Nana - a true treat! Mommy's cousin Jason & family stopped for a visit during their Spring Break trip to Texas - a rare Thompson siting in the south! Drew doted on Abby the entire time they were here!

One last funny, and unfortunate thing that Drew has learned this month - he can lock the back door - which he has done several times while Daddy has been outside grilling dinner. Thankfully Mommy is home to help, but doesn't always realize what has happened as soon as Daddy would appreciate I'm sure!

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