Sunday, May 1, 2011

21 Months!

It continues to amaze me how quickly the time flies...and how quickly our boy changes! Some random milestones this month are he got 3 new teeth, putting him at 16 total! Only the last 4 molars to go! And he is officially down to 1 nap in the afternoon - we are probably the slowest parents to do this, and it was not pretty when it started, but it's happened because of the pending transition to a new room complete with toddler we'll see!

We are so excited for Drew this month - he has really taken to learning his colors and shapes! By the end of the month, he is beyond the basic four of each, and soaking up new ones every chance he gets! Even his teacher pointed out how well he knows them. I wish I could take credit, but it goes to Daddy for sure. Daddy likes to use the Lego Duplos as his object lesson - it has certainly paid off so far!

Again, more and more words are coming from Drew's direction, and some 'favorites' are "MINE!", "a-din" (again, and again, and again!), "I did it!" when he's proud of himself for accomplishing something, "scuz me" when squeezing through tight spots, "bss you" after someone sneezes (so cute!), "goodness" if there's a loud crash or something else out of place, and "I see you", sometimes, even when no one is around! HIs singing has also gone off the charts this month. A favorite song, and this cracks me up, but also warms my heart, is the Doxology! (For those that don't know, this is a very short hymn, used often in the Lutheran church) Daddy sings it to him at bedtime sometimes, and now he loves to have us all sing it together over & over! Another favorite is Head, Shoulders, Knees & Toes, which he emphatically sings when we get to TOES! as well as Mr. Sun - thanks to music class & Nana - a VERY easy song to get stuck in Mommy's head long after Drew is asleep every night! (It's going through my head as I write this in fact.)

Drew is working a bit on some fine motor skills - learning the wonderfulness of buckles! He loves to work on his high chair buckle after meals, often getting frustrated, but then very excited when he gets it right. "I did it!" He also has learned the coordination and patience, when coaxed, to build towers higher than 4 before smacking them down, so I think we've gotten to 8 so far and then the impulse is impossible to hold back! He is also able to zip up his PJs after we get them started for him, which he thoroughly enjoys.

We continue to LOVE riding our bike, getting outside to ride almost every day if weather allows. A new favorite inside game (unfortunately) is throwing balls up and over our heads. This was just ok when it started out in the play room with soft balls. It has sadly grown to just about any object in any environment if the mood strikes just right...oh, he is a boy alright! He will throw or hit just about anything - testing Mommy & Daddy's patience to no end.

This month had it's share of busyness, creating all sorts of opportunities for a stressed toddler (which apparently results in awful behavior, including pulling out the top drawer of the dresser & swinging from it) and an exhausted Mommy and Daddy, but in the end, all for good times...
Mommy & Drew went to Houston one weekend for Mommy to go to her grad class and Drew to be spoiled silly by his grandparents who were more than delighted to take a day off from work (Nana took Friday off, and Grandpa made lots of time for us when school was not in session!). Drew went to the park, played on the swing, rode his bike, played in the pool, went to the zoo, played with bubbles and playdough - and who knows what else Nana kept him busy with! I'm exhausted just thinking about it, but Drew loved it of course!

The next weekend all 3 of us drove to Austin for Easter and caught up with some wonderful friends - the Kinders and Sellers, and Grandpa, Nana and Uncle Kevin were all part of the fun! It was a nice, quick trip, filled with Nana's birthday 'celebration' at Amy's & Easter out at the Sellers.

We had fun Palmer family time too - enjoyed a blastball game of cousin Luke's and went to the Relay for Life in Benbrook where cousin Matthew had a rockin' balloon animal booth!

So much fun, no wonder the month flew by! We are happy though, as most would agree, to get home and back to 'normal'. However, in our case, normal means it's crunch time to get Drew moved to his new room (coming next month) and getting ready for Baby! Drew is going to be a big help, we can tell!


  1. I love all the pics!!!!! Sending you lots of love ... miss you guys!

  2. I love the picture of Drew in the infant seat. What a difference in size. Guess you'll have to cope with him wanting to be in there too. Perhaps introducing the word share is a good idea. :)
