Wednesday, May 4, 2011

At the 3rd Trimester mark...

So, thought I'd give a small pregnancy update while I'm here...
All continues to go well, and we are at 28 weeks, with just a short 12 to go. I haven't had any bleeding since the last post about the pregnancy - thank you Lord! I have had another weird symptom, not serious, just really annoying - pruritis of pregnancy - which simply means I itch all over, whenever, for no other reason than I'm pregnant - fun times! But I'm able to handle it a bit better these days with LOTS of Aveeno products.
But all in all, still a very healthy, happy pregnancy. I'm able to work as much as I want, and try to keep up with Drew - though that it getting a bit more tiresome, but not impossible - that could be the case regardless of pregnancy, honestly!
I started to feel the baby kick in the 18th week, and Matthew felt it the week of his birthday - just like with Drew! All the tests, appointments, etc. have gone well and from what we can tell, we should have a healthy little boy or girl in late July! We did choose to not find out the gender again, much to the chagrin of several friends, etc., but it will be a fun surprise that day.
We are pretty sure Drew is mostly clueless about what is happening. Thankfully, my baby belly is starting to make an apparent appearance, so hopefully we can use that to help some. We are moving him to his new room in a few weeks, and starting to turn the nursery back into a true nursery, so hopefully he'll pick up on some of that as well. Prayers for us all during that transition would be wonderful, but mostly for Drew - bless his heart, he is such a Mommy's boy I'm afraid of breaking his heart...but we will all do well, so many others before us have survived, surely we will too!

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